Lady Blue


Todd VanCantfort

Lady Blue
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Lady Blue
“Lady Blue” is another in the Kaleidoscope Garden works. It’s hard to imagine that this piece began life as the very same purple orchid as Color Me Blue. After many hours of careful exploration and letting the story unfold, we went down a whole different path with Lady Blue until we got to that point where her personality just glowed. The story Lady Blue wants to tell is one of time and space as she radiates the various hues of her very existence, you will be drawn into her calming voice and her embracing spirit.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work and the others in the series as each takes you on a different journey and new opportunities to experience peace and space and to simply stop time for as long as you need. These pieces were created with one hope, to provide you with a muse to slow down and explore your world in forgotten ways.