Bold Buds
Kaleidoscope Garden


Todd VanCantfort

Bold Buds
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Bold Buds
“Bold Buds” is another in the Kaleidoscope Garden works. Unlike its brothers and sisters in this collection the center piece of this work displays the parent rose in its pure form. Enhanced only slightly for shadowing and color saturation, this delicate yet bold bud was the inspiration for the hybrid flowers that surround it. The deep red colors saturate your imagination as your eyes roll around the textures and layers that will hold you in a timeless trance. The deep intensity of the black textured backstop and the dance of the shadows from the offset light will lure you back as you wander through this garden masterpiece.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work and the others in the series as each takes you on a different journey and new opportunities to experience peace and space and to simply stop time for as long as you need. These pieces were created with one hope, to provide you with a muse to slow down and explore your world in forgotten ways.