Tri Color Garden
Kaleidoscope Garden


Todd VanCantfort

Tri Color Garden
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Tri Color Garden
“Tri Color Garden” is another in the Kaleidoscope Garden works. All of these renditions in this piece came from the same delicate yellow rose. Painstaking care went into each layer to bring out the variety of textures and colors that were locked up and bursting to get out. As you gaze on this piece you will notice that there is as many depths to this piece as there are layers and roses. Each has its own intricate web to weave and tale to tell. I just hope you take the time to really enjoy each and every one.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work and the others in the series as each takes you on a different journey and new opportunities to experience peace and space and to simply stop time for as long as you need. These pieces were created with one hope, to provide you with a muse to slow down and explore your world in forgotten ways.