Confused Bouquet
Kaleidoscope Garden


Todd VanCantfort

Confused Bouquet
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Confused Bouquet
Confused Bouquet is a shy addition to the Kaleidoscope Garden series. Created from a single pink rose, Confused Bouquet took a less dramatic path to creation. Still very much a product of creative design, she is far more evolved than Darwin ever intended. Still quite stunning in a very delicate and understated way, Confused Bouquet will non the less excite your urge to wander.

Unlike her sisters in this series that offer you a more direct path into their inner worlds, Confused Bouquet is a far more demure hostess as she guides you in a more circuitous route along the way to her creative secrets. As you gaze upon her center flower you’ll notice that she too is a participant in this adventure. She sets her eye upon your imagination and waits patiently for you to move closer and whisper your thoughts and dreams as you come to realize the deeper treasures hidden amongst her petals.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work and the others in the series as each takes you on a different journey and new opportunities to experience peace and space and to simply stop time for as long as you need. These pieces were created with one hope, to provide you with a muse to slow down and explore your world in forgotten ways.