Fall Street Scene


Todd VanCantfort

Fall Street Scene
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Fall Street Scene
This shot was taken in early November as the leaves were hitting their peak of colors. The scene is a quite street in Washington, DC on a still Sunday morning. The peace and calm of this street is what we all cherish about that special neighborhood in which e always wanted to live. It evokes the same feeling of Sunday morning on the porch with the paper and a cup of coffee as the hustle and the bustle of our lives take a pause.
UKRanger ::
December 25, 2007
I know exactly what you mean when you talk about capturing that "Sunday morning sitting on the porch with a newspaper and a cup of coffe feeling", but it's really difficult to capture with a camera...On the other hand, you've totally nailed it with this terrific shot! You also managed to capture a sense of complete peace, calm and tranquility with another picture of yours as well, the one you call "Winter Light"....Brilliant!

cheerishables ::
January 23, 2008
Oh, this is beautiful. I love your perspective and how you captured this scene. The air looks so misty. Youreally captured the beauty and the mood as well.

suzeez ::
January 23, 2008
I can actually feel myself relaxing as I look at this shot. I think I even get a whiff of that wonderful, earthy aroma that seems to hang about in the depth of a lazy autumn day. Beautiful work! Thank you for sharing it.

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