Native Gold


Todd VanCantfort

Native Gold
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Native Gold
“Native Gold” is another in the Kaleidoscope Garden works. Starting out as a common daisy, Native Gold has presented us with a path that echoes amongst Native American art and culture. After many hours of careful exploration and letting the story unfold, we went down a fascinating and as you can clearly see, rewarding journey. The story of Native Gold is one rich in folklore and centuries of tradition. Concentrate and focus on the swirling paths and listen to the eagle as he flies majestically above your head. Listen a little longer and as the sun sets, you will hear the baying of the wolf as the pack sets out for a night on the hunt. No fear though since neither the wolf offer any threat, they both know this is a peaceful path for you and they will lead you along a safe and amazing trail to a calm and relaxed world.

I hope you enjoy this piece of work and the others in the series as each takes you on a different journey and new opportunities to experience peace and space and to simply stop time for as long as you need. These pieces were created with one hope, to provide you with a muse to slow down and explore your world in forgotten ways.